CY2021 Home Health Final Rule
Power Point presented on 11/5/2020 by Bill Dombi, Esq., President, National Association for Home Care & Hospice and Mary Carr, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, National Association for Home Care & Hospice
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Medicare HH 2021 Final Rule
CY 2021 Home Health Prospective Payment System Rate Update and Quality Reporting Requirements-Final Rule
2.0% rate update (net at 1.9% after budget neutrality adjustment with wage index)
Maintains PDGM case mix model and LUPA thresholds
New wage index areas with 5% cap on reductions
Outlier standards maintained
No new behavioral adjustment
Telehealth use standards made permanent
2021 Home infusion therapy payment standards and supplier requirements clarified
HHVBP minor modifications
$390M increase in Medicare spending expected
Should bring a degree of stabilization and predictability
2021 Final Payment Rates
Base payment rates are increased by a net Market Basket Index of 2.0%
An annual inflation update of 2.3%
Reduced by a 0.3% Productivity Adjustment to net at 2.0%
Wage index neutrality adjustment at 0.9999
Proposed increase of 2.7% reduced due to use of more recent 2Q2020 data
No change in 2020 behavioral adjustment (4.36%) as CMS wants full year of data to assess whether budget neutrality
Medicare home health services spending projected to increase by $390 million in CY 2021
The base 30-day payment rate is increased from $1864.03 to $1901.12
The LUPA per visit rates are set at:
SN $152.63
PT $166.83
SLP $181.34
OT $167.98
MSW $244.64
HHA $69.11
LUPA rates are also reduced by 2% for those HHAs that did not submit required quality data.
The LUPA add-on for LUPA only patient continues.
For example: SN as the first LUPA visit, the add-on results in a first visit payment of $281.62
Each discipline would get its own add-on rate
Area Wage Index that applies based on the patient’s residence has changed significantly to reflect update census information
New CBSA inclusions and exclusions
New Rural and non-rural areas
Some CBSAs and rural areas will have more than one county-based wage index value
Due to the significant change, CMS proposes to cap any reduction in the wage index at 5% for 1 year
There is no cap on wage index increases
Outlier standards unchanged
Fixed Dollar Loss ratio stays a 0.56
Means that no increase or decrease in the national volume of outlier episodes is expected
Rural add-on phase-out continues
High Utilization areas — 0% add-on
Low Population Density areas — 2% add-on
All other areas — 1% add-on
PDGM case mix weights unchanged from 2020
LUPA thresholds stay at the 2020 levels
No-Pay RAP and NOA
RAP phase-out continues
CMS continues policy on 2021 No-Pay RAP and 2022 Notice of Admission
5-day window for timely submission
Penalty for late submission applied starting with day 1 of the episode
number of days since episode start to submission date/ 30 X Episode Payment
Permanently allows the use of remote patient monitoring, other telecommunications, or audio-only technology
Tied to patient specific needs identified in the comprehensive assessment
Do not need to describe in the POC how the use of telehealth will help to achieve goals, but expect to see such throughout the medical record
Cannot substitute for an ordered home visit
Cannot be considered a home visit for eligibility or payment
Continue to report as administrative cost
The CARES Act requires the Secretary to encourage the use of telecommunications systems including remote patient monitoring ..and other communications or monitoring services…
§409.46 Telecommunications technology
(e) Telecommunications technology. Telecommunications technology, as indicated on the plan of care, can include: remote patient monitoring, defined as the collection of physiologic data (for example, ECG, blood pressure, glucose monitoring) digitally stored and/or transmitted by the patient or caregiver or both to the home health agency; teletypewriter (TTY); and 2-way audio-video telecommunications technology that allows for real-time interaction between the patient and clinician. The costs of any equipment, set-up, and service related to the technology are allowable only as administrative costs. Visits to a beneficiary's home for the sole purpose of supplying, connecting, or training the patient on the technology, without the provision of a skilled service, are not separately billable.
Modifications to align HHVBP Model data submission requirements with any exceptions or extensions granted for HH QRP during PHE
Modification of policy for granting exceptions to the New Measures data reporting during PHE
Home Infusion Therapy Supplier
New Part B benefit-coverage and payment finalized in the 2019-20 HHPPS rules
Covers the professional services related to HIT for Part B drugs- infused via a pump
HIT suppliers must be accredited by a Medicare approved AO
HHAs may become HIT supplier
HHAs may contract with a HIT supplier
Skilled services related to Part B infusion drugs carved out of the home health benefit beginning 1/1/2021
Services related to drugs outside this benefit may continue under HH benefit
Currently DME suppliers with pharmacies are able to bill under the new benefit
Home Infusion Therapy
Maintain definition of covered “home infusion drugs”
Three payment categories
Category payment amount consistent with six CPT infusion codes, equal to 5 hours in a physician’s office
First visit subject to payment increase, reduces rate for later visits
Payment for each infusion drug administration calendar day
Rates adjusted geographically using GAF
Rates updated annually by (CPI-U – productivity adjustment
Home Infusion Therapy Supplier
Rule outlines the provider enrollment requirements
Accredited by a CMS approved accrediting organization
Comply with the conditions for payment and coverage under §414.1500- 1550 and §486.500-525
Submit Form CMS-855B application
Subject to the application fee (2020 - $595.00)
Limited risk level category for screening
Same appeal rights for enrollment denials and revocations
HHAs should begin working with DME and HIT supplier
Quality Reporting Program & OASIS
No changes to HH QRP for CY2021
Change in OASIS testing for new agencies
Eliminate the testing requirement due to iQIES
OASIS-E delayed until January 1st of the year that is at least 1 full calendar year after the end of the COVID-19 PHE
20 measures for CY2022 HH QRP finalized last year
Contact Information
Bill Dombi, Esq., President National Association for Home Care & Hospice
Mary Carr Vice President, Regulatory Affairs National Association for Home Care & Hospice