For Our Tennessee Clients

Tennessee Association for Home Care

March 17th, 2020

We're Here for You

These are uncertain times. Our work and personal lives have been disrupted and we live in fear for the safety of the people we serve and the ones we love. We want to acknowledge that the work you're doing is difficult and stressful, and you likely don't have all the tools or staff you need to carry out your mission with comfort. We appreciate you.

We stand ready to assist with any of your COVID-19 questions. We're trying our best to stay abreast of every relevant development so that we can summarize lengthy documents for you and bring you information in a timely manner. We are also advocating on your behalf with state officials. If there is a specific need we can meet, let us know how we can help.

Try to take care of yourselves. We're here for you and rooting you on.

 Maegan & Rochelle

TennCare and the MCOs "OK" Telehealth Visits

Building on the policy released by CMS yesterday allowing for expanded use of telehealth by physicians, TennCare issued a memo this afternoon permitting providers to serve TennCare members via telehealth (telephonic or virtual).

Tenn. Code Ann. §56-7-1002(a)(4) has permitted, but not required, managed care organizations (MCOs) to consider the home a qualified site for the purpose of reimbursement. This memo makes clear that the MCOs will consider the home to be a qualified site for the purpose of providing care during the COVID-19 outbreak.

You can access the memo released today here.

 TennCare Issues Guidance to MCOs on COVID-19

Yesterday, TennCare released a memorandum to the MCOs outlining certain guidance and relief that will be applicable during the COVID-19 outbreak, including the decision to suspend the assessment of liquidated damages for failure to meet contractual requirements arising from COVID-19 response.

You can access the memo here and TAHC's COVID-19 Resource Page here.

Legislative Session Postponed until Further Notice

Lawmakers in Nashville are working to pass a "conservative budget" this week before postponing session for a later adjournment. This means that Budget Amendment 95, a TAHC-supported budget amendment which sought to inject $12 million dollars in the TennCare budget for personal and attendant care rate increases, will not be considered.

It also means that the CON bill, parts of which were strongly opposed by TAHC, will not be considered until the session is reconvened.

PPE Supply Shortage

We know PPE is in short supply. We have reached out the Department of Health (DOH) to query the status of the state stockpile/access to the national stockpile and have learned that the state supply is depleted. The DOH has requested supplies from the national stockpile.

We have asked that home health be given priority and have been assured that if/when supplies are delivered to the state, DOH will fairly distribute to all providers. We have been advised to reach out to the regional Health Care Coalitions (HHCs), as they will, to the extent possible, move available resources around the regions. The HHCs will also report regional issues to DOL leadership for appropriate action.

 Agencies seeking to connect with your regional HHC can access a directory here.

 Tennessee Association for Home Care | PO Box 140087, Nashville, TN 37214

Becky Crabtree